The King Enters His Fourth Quarter

Jaycee's Commentaries


In an article from World Net Daily:
Outside his base of leftists and “low-information voters,” the current president is now widely regarded as being essentially untethered from reality. Before Christmas – prior to jetting off to Hawaii for another prolonged vacation – Obama, whose policies were massively repudiated at the polls just weeks earlier, proclaimed victory and declared 2014 a “breakthrough year” for America. Boasting of “more jobs, more people insured, a growing economy, shrinking deficits, bustling industry, booming energy,” he concluded: “Take any metric that you want. America’s resurgence is real. We are better off.”

Reality, of course, is quite the opposite. With an astonishing 92 million Americans now out of the workforce, the labor participation rate under Obama is at its lowest since the Carter “malaise” of 1978; Obamacare is causing the slow, agonizing death of the American healthcare system; the national debt is in outer space; America…

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Is this the End of Times

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Random Thoughts

Since 1967, poverty rates have fallen from close to 26 percent down to 16 percent, the White House said. In 2012, 49.7 million of Americans lived in poverty, including 13.4 million children.

“In the richest nation on Earth, far too many children are still born into poverty, far too few have a fair shot to escape it, and Americans of all races and backgrounds experience wages and incomes that aren’t rising,” Obama said in a statement marking the anniversary of Johnson’s pledge.

Obama will make his formal announcement about the “promise zones” at 2 p.m. EST on Thursday.

He first spoke about the plan in his 2013 State of the Union speech, almost a year ago, pledging to focus government funding with private sector programs in 20 communities to create jobs, improve schools, beef up public safety, and create better housing.

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Random Thoughts

Since 1967, poverty rates have fallen from close to 26 percent down to 16 percent, the White House said. In 2012, 49.7 million of Americans lived in poverty, including 13.4 million children.

“In the richest nation on Earth, far too many children are still born into poverty, far too few have a fair shot to escape it, and Americans of all races and backgrounds experience wages and incomes that aren’t rising,” Obama said in a statement marking the anniversary of Johnson’s pledge.

Obama will make his formal announcement about the “promise zones” at 2 p.m. EST on Thursday.

He first spoke about the plan in his 2013 State of the Union speech, almost a year ago, pledging to focus government funding with private sector programs in 20 communities to create jobs, improve schools, beef up public safety, and create better housing.

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Duck For Cover-They’re Coming Back.!!!




The fallout and backlash from A&E over the Duck Dynasty   controversy continues to rage like a firestorm. Even the leaders of GLAAD said they  have never seen such a backlash and are feeling it.   A   boycott  A&E facebook page has passed  one million signatures.  A petition signed by Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin to A&E has so far garnished 70,000 signatures. Walmart has completely sold out all of its’ Duck Dynasty items. On his radio show on Thursday Sean Hannity gave out the phone number of  the CEO of A&E and the phone number of the A&E station and both were besieged with calls. President Obama has admitted to liking the show and watches it on Air Force One.

Even famed gay, atheist and feminist Camile Paglia whom I always found to be logical and objective and non in your face expressed anger and dismay at A&E’s decision calling it Stalinistic and fascistic when someone tries to silence another’s opinion just to fit their agenda saying:

 “To express yourself in a magazine in an interview — this is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, OK, that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic Party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades,” Paglia said. “This is the whole legacy of free speech 1960’s that have been lost by my own party.”

Paglia went on to point out that while she is an atheist she respects religion and has been frustrated by the intolerance of gay activists.

“I think that this intolerance by gay activists toward the full spectrum of human beliefs is a sign of immaturity, juvenility,” Paglia said. “This is not the mark of a true intellectual life. This is why there is no cultural life now in the U.S. Why nothing is of interest coming from the major media in terms of cultural criticism. Why the graduates of the Ivy League with their A, A, A+ grades are complete cultural illiterates, etc. is because they are not being educated in any way to give respect to opposing viewpoints.”

Gay writer Brandon Ambosino said that the fiasco says more about “our bigotry than Phil’s. : I’m reminded of something Bill Maher said during the height of the Paula Deen controversy: “Do we always have to make people go away?” I think the question applies in this situation too. Why is our go-to political strategy for beating our opponents to silence them? Why do we dismiss, rather than engage them? One of the biggest pop-culture icons of today just took center stage to “educate” us about sexuality. I see this as an opportunity to further the discussion, to challenge his limited understanding of human desire, to engage with him and his rather sizable audience — most of whom, by the way, probably share his views — and to rise above the endless sea of tweet-hate to help move our LGBT conversations to where they need to go.

G.K. Chesterton said that bigotry is “an incapacity to conceive seriously the alternative to a proposition.” If he is right — and he usually is — then I wonder if the Duck Dynasty fiasco says more about our bigotry than Phil’s.

Another thing that gets my goat is the way the media is taking everything he said out of context to make it appear like hate speech and anti-gay speech. Phil did not compare homosexuality to beastiality  like the media is saying. If anyone read the full interview and had half a brain and the common sense of a billy goat they would notice that he was responding to a question about what he considered a sin. He then listed several things like cheating on one’s spouse, beastiality, homosexuality and other things. He was listing what he considered  a sin NOTCOMPARING!!!!. He also paraphrased several bible quotes from the book of Corinthians in the bible that state that homosexuality goes against God’s will such as “he that sleepith with another man as though it was his wife shall not see the kingdom of God.”

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there,” he says. “Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”

He goes on to paraphrase Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.” 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10.


Leviticus 18:22
“Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.”

Greg Laurie, an evangelist, author and public speaker who pastors Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California, observed that Christians have been put in the impossible position of being required to not merely tolerate homosexual behavior but to endorse it.

He insisted Christians don’t want to force their views on anyone.

“We believe in God, the Creator and designer of the world and all of its creatures,” he said. “We believe He has provided, as the Bible teaches, an intended design for sex and marriage. We choose to hold to that, while being tolerant of those who choose to disregard it.”

He said Christians “stand with Scripture on the topic of homosexuality and every other sin the Bible speaks of.”

“And we will continue to tolerate and even love those that disagree with us,” he said. “It would be nice if that were a two-way street.”

Well it looks like all the complaining has paid off since It looks like Phil Robertson’s suspension from “Duck Dynasty” may be just for show. Entertainment Weekly learned that on Jan. 15, A&E will begin airing new episodes of the show that include scenes featuring the “Dynasty” patriarch.

‘We Cannot Imagine Going Forward Without Our Patriarch At The Helm’…
A&E Will Air Marathon Starring Phil Despite Suspension…
‘I Don’t Give a Duck’ about A&E t-shirts go on sale…
CRUZ: ‘If you believe in free speech or religious liberty, you should be deeply dismayed’… 
PAGLIA: Uproar ‘utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist’… 
GAY WRITER: Fiasco says more about our bigotry than Phil’s…
‘Boycott A&E’ FACEBOOK Page Passes 1 Million ‘Likes’…

GLAAD Reeling From Biggest Backlash in Years, Says Rep…



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Obama Lied,Our Healthcare Died



Under Obamacare the CHEAPEST health insurance policies available to the typical American working family will cost $20,000 per year.

Other effects of the 2,572 page law include:

  • Premium increases up to 413% for some individuals.
  • An average $4,100 premium increase for families.
  • The penalty for taking money out of a Healthcare Savings Account for a non-medical reason doubles from 10% to 20%.
  • Using an HSA, flexible savings or health reimbursement account to pay for over-the-counter medication is no longer allowed.
  • FSA’s will now be capped at $2,500.
  • 1/3 of employers could stop offering healthcare.
  • Obamacare will increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion.
  • The itemized deduction limit for medical expenses will rise from 7.5% to 10% of adjusted gross income.
  • 30 million Americans will still be uninsured eight years after Obamacare is fully implemented.
  • The average family can expect at least $5,875 in new taxes, fees and higher premiums once Obamacare is fully implemented.

Obamacare is the biggest overhaul to our healthcare system and the biggest tax increase in history. It will bring massive changes to our daily lives, most of them negative. Do you think Obamacare should be defunded before it cripples our healthcare system?

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Mr.President Tear Down This Website!!!!! You Can”t make This Stuff Up!!!!

VIDEO: White House aides feared Obamacare site issues before launch...
Email chain details concerns...
'UH OH!': Crashes While Sebelius Tries To Sign Person Up At Media Event...
Website mocked by insurance company...
HHS plans to spend up to $7B -- to cut costs...
POLL: 93% want to see Obamacare altered or repealed...
ANALYSIS: 50 to 100 million insurance cancellations coming...
Small business owner tells Congress health law 'driving me to drink'...
VIDEO: 'Navigator' Director Conspires to Release Private Data...

CO man signs up — his dog gets covered instead… *

Obamacare Death Spiral… *

DC insurance boss fired after criticism of Obamacare ‘fix’… *

REPORT: 1 in 5 may not be able to enroll… *

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Last Vegas ;AReview


Last Vegas is a very cute and really funny comedy about four guys who grew up in Flatbush,Brookyn, N.Y. who call themselves The Flatbush Four.  Billy (Michael Douglas), Paddy (Robert DeNiro) Archie (MorganFreeman) and Sam (Kevin Kline) have been best friends since childhood “No one calls us names but us.” So when Billy, the group’s sworn bachelor finally proposes to a thirty two year old girlfriend he invites them to Las Vegas for a bachelor party and stop acting their age and relive the glory days. Kevin Kline is living in a Senior citizen development in Florida with his attractive wife, Morgan Freeman is living with his son and his family and Robert Deniro is living by himself after his wife recently passed away.

When they arrive they find that Sin City is testing their friendship in ways they never imagined and these four literally take over Vegas.  When they plan to leave Sam’s wife gives him a condom and Viagra  pill and a note that says “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” and tells him to have a good time.  Archie who’s under strict watch by his son sneaks out a window and leaves a note saying he is” going on a church retreat and they are safe people. ” :D. Paddy is the only one reluctant to go because he and Billy have some issues he can’t forgive Billy for. Namely he and Billy once dated the same girl and Paddy ended up marrying her. When she passed Billy never showed up for the funeral even though Paddy’s  wife  requested   that he deliver the eulogy at her funeral.  Paddy can’t forgive him for that and now marrying someone half his age really upsets him so he sets out to convince him otherwise.

When they arrive in Vegas Archie bets his entire retirement pension of $20,000 all at once at the poker table and wins $102,000.It is then they decide to throw the party of a lifetime.

The film is loaded with lots of senior citizen gag lines such as when Sam ( Kevin Kline) is approached by a sexy young girl at the party who asks him if he has any drugs he replies, “Does Lipitor count?” or when Archie (Morgan Freeman)hears that Billy who is 69 is marrying a 32 year old he says, ”I have a hemorrhoid that’s 32.” 😀

During their stay they run across a gorgeous cabaret singer played by Mary Steenburgen who does her own singing in the film and naturally both Billy and Paddy fall for her and it starts all over again between them.

For a really entertaining time and great senior buddy flick that not only most seniors can identify with, but families too then Last Vegas is pure fun.

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LastVegas; A Review


Robert De Niro, Michael Douglas, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Kline in Last Vegas


5 November 2012


Last Vegas is a very cute and really funny comedy about four guys who grew up in Flatbush,Brookyn, N.Y. who call themselves The Flatbush Four.  Billy (Michael Douglas), Paddy (Robert DeNiro) Archie (MorganFreeman) and Sam (Kevin Kline) have been best friends since childhood “No one calls us names but us.” So when Billy, the group’s sworn bachelor finally proposes to a thirty two year old girlfriend he invites them to Las Vegas for a bachelor party and stop acting their age and relive the glory days. Kevin Kline is living in a Senior citizen development in Florida with his attractive wife, Morgan Freeman is living with his son and his family and Robert Deniro is living by himself after his wife recently passed away.

When they arrive they find that Sin City is testing their friendship in ways they never imagined and these four literally take over Vegas.  When they plan to leave Sam’s wife gives him a condom and Viagra  pill and a note that says “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” and tells him to have a good time.  Archie who’s under strict watch by his son sneaks out a window and leaves a note saying he is” going on a church retreat and they are safe people. ” :D. Paddy is the only one reluctant to go because he and Billy have some issues he can’t forgive Billy for. Namely he and Billy once dated the same girl and Paddy ended up marrying her. When she passed Billy never showed up for the funeral even though Paddy’s  wife  requested   that he deliver the eulogy at her funeral.  Paddy can’t forgive him for that and now marrying someone half his age really upsets him so he sets out to convince him otherwise.

When they arrive in Vegas Archie bets his entire retirement pension of $20,000 all at once at the poker table and wins $102,000.It is then they decide to throw the party of a lifetime.

The film is loaded with lots of senior citizen gag lines such as when Sam ( Kevin Kline) is approached by a sexy young girl at the party who asks him if he has any drugs he replies, “Does Lipitor count?” or when Archie (Morgan Freeman)hears that Billy who is 69 is marrying a 32 year old he says, ”I have a hemorrhoid that’s 32.” 😀

During their stay they run across a gorgeous cabaret singer played by Mary Steenburgen who does her own singing in the film and naturally both Billy and Paddy fall for her and it starts all over again between them.

For a really entertaining time and great senior buddy flick that not only most seniors can identify with, but families too then Last Vegas is pure fun.

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Random Thoughts

Remember the Wiki Leaks? That hacker group from Norway who hacked into the Pentagon and released classified information to the public? The media hailed them as heroes and film maker Michael Moron said they should be given the nobel prize. Well after several more hacks  the media was giving them plenty of attention until they hacked into a liberal environmental network and uncovered hundreds of scientists sending e-mails to each other stating how much money they could make convincing the public on global warming. Then the silence from the rmedia was deafening. Just a thought……..A reporter for the movie website RottenTomatoes gave the Batman movie a terrible review (I disagree by the way  s noticed in my previous blog) and he received so many death threats that the site shut down threi rmessge board. Meanwhile the one who should get death threats is this so called comedian David Cook in L.A. who said “This movie is such a bunch of crap  that they said the shooter walked in 20 minutes after the movie started and started shooting. The movie is such a bunch of crap that even if their was no shooter someone should have stood up after twenty minutes and said ‘just shoot me’ .” That is the epitome in bad taste to me and not funny yet this audience applauded him albeit nervously. I wonder what would happen if he said that in front of the victim’s families. I wonder if he received any death threats or if someone confronted him afterwrds. I saw plenty of attacks on the message boards under the article………….I was reading an article about the flags on the moon left by the astronauts are still standing which was a fascinating read with pictures. That should prove to the skeptics that say the moon ;andings were faked. I think they saw that movie too many times. 😀 Anyway a debate ensued on the message boards about the democratic president presided over what moon landing and I noticed this interesting respoonse from a commenter.:D Not a Democrat by today’s standards. But of course, the Democratic Party, which gave us the founding of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy taxes, blacks riding in the backs of buses, segregated water fountains and restrooms, not to mention having to have the military called upon them to force them to allow black children into white schools, multiple votes against civil rights legislation up until the 1960s, where they were shamed by Republicans into finally giving in to the fact that black folks deserve the same access to services as white folks. The same Democratic Party which had SITTING MEMBERS of the KU KLUX KLAN all up til the end of the end of the 20th century (Robert Byrd, Al Gore’s dad, and dozens others). Let’s not forget FDR (the Democrat Party superhero) and his racist internment of Japanese Americans during WWII. You mean THAT Democratic Party? Oh yeah, that one.
The same Democratic Party (thank you President Obungo) who just KILLED NASA. The Chinese will be to the moon and back a dozen times before we even think of re-entering outer space. Dude…your post is so stupid and insipid, that we are ALL dumber for having read it.

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